Kickboxing & K1 Lessons

Kickboxing & K1 Classes

All Classes taught by professional instructors.


Kids Class ages 5 to 15.  6pm till 7pm with Denzil, Nick and Levi.

Adults Class – 7pm till 8pm with Nick.


Fighting Class 6pm till 7pm with Denzil.


Boxing 6pm till 7pm with Denzil


Kids Class ages 5 to 15.  6pm till 7pm with Denzil and Cherry.

Adults Class – 7pm till 8pm with Howard.


Fighting Class 6.30pm till 7.30pm with Denzil. Howard and Nick.


Kids 1pm till 2pm with Cherry. 


Ladies & children 2.30 till 3.30 with Cherry.

UFC is proud to offer a wide range of martial arts and fitness classes for all abilities and ages.

From kickboxing to thai boxing to self defence, UFC provides professional expert tuition to improve your fitness. All classes are great fun and encourage focus and discipline.

Cardiff Kickboxing Club, within the fitness centre, is proud to have three world champions as instructors. Denzil Lawrence, Levi Lawrence and Howard Hogg are experts in their field and along with the other instructors are dedicated to achieving excellence. Howard Hogg, an ex World WKA Champion is a man that can push all the right buttons.

Whether you are a beginner or have some experience please come and try one of our classes. Why not try our introductory membership?

Not only does this membership give you access to all the gym facilities, but entry into all the classes as well.

Cardiff Kickboxing Club offers a wide range of classes for all abilities

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